Sean A. Munson

Sean Munson

I am a Professor at the University of Washington's Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering. Working primarily on health, wellbeing, and exposure to diverse information, I design and evaluate techniques for helping people make sense of data about themselves and the world around them.

In addition to my research and teaching, I direct the HCDE PhD program, am Associate Chair for Faculty & Research Deevelopment, am a member of the DUB group, and co-direct the UW ALACRITY Center.

I have many great collaborators, including PhD students Neilly Herrera Tan, Carla Castillo, Shengzhi Wang, Tricia Aung, Shaan Chopra, Tae Jones, Georgia Kenderova, Sam So, Claire Weizenegger, and Nichole Sams.

Alumni include Christina Chung, Daniel Epstein, Elena Agapie, Jessica Schroeder, Lucas Colusso, Arpita, Kai Lukoff, Sam Kolovson, and Calvin Liang.

Full bio

smunson at uw dot edu
323D Sieg Building
Campus Box 352315

Seattle, WA 98195
Pronouns: he / him

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LupineBig Creek FallsLipsy Lake & Otter FallsCraters of the Moon National Monument and PreserveCraters of the Moon National Monument and PreserveCraters of the Moon National Monument and Preserveon Inferno Coneon Inferno Coneon Inferno Cone


15 Jul 12:44

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