logs: Yellowstone, Glacier & Grand Teton National Parks
Day 4- Monday, June 27
View from Mt. WashburnWe saw a moose on the way to breakfast, from a distance but definitely a moose. The day's hike up Mt. Washburn was amazing. Views included the Tetons, Electric Peak, Yellowstone Lake, and the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. It was, however, a bit of a cheater's hike (very easy relative to the amazing views). After we got down, we headed off for Yellowstone Falls. Along the way we stopped at Inspiration Point, which is really becoming a rather hackneyed name. Following a walk around the falls, we went to another area of geothermal activity. This one has the strongest sulfur smell yet, but was enjoyable nonetheless. Passed a lot of bison on the way to the hotel, and went to dinner at the lodge. After dinner, I worked on Junior Ranger activities.

Riverside Geyser Day 5- Tuesday, June 28
Morning Glory PoolWe packed up the car after breakfast and passed two moose soon after leaving the hotel. Following a bear-themed nature walk in the Fishing Bridge area, my brother and I got our Junior Ranger patches. We decided to stop at Old Faithful one last time before leaving the park, and walked around a nearby geyser area. Saw Grotto, Grotto Fountain, Rocket, Riverside, Castle, and two other geysers erupt. Also saw Morning Glory Pool. On the way towards the Tetons, we stopped at Kepler Cascades. Very nice. We reached our accommodations and discovered we had an entire cabin to ourselves.

Day 6- Wednesday, June 29
There is an excellent view of the Tetons from our cabin. We ate breakfast and went for a hike around Hidden Falls. Following that, we headed into Jackson Hole and ate dinner at a restaurant recommended by my grandparents. It was called Horse Creek Station, and I enjoyed a barbecue chicken dinner, with lemon-raspberry mouse for desert. After returning to the park, we went to a ranger program.

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